Become a ward of the nation

Publié le 28/02/2024 | Modifié le 18/01/2024

Child victims and the children of victims of terrorist acts can be adopted as a ward of the Nation

Children of deceased or wounded victims of terrorist acts can be adopted by the Nation as a ward of the state. Ward of the nation status provides such children with the material and non-material protection specific to the French National Office for Combatants and Victims of War (ONaCVG), which supplements the protection offered by the families in the form of partial or full support for the child's upkeep and education, if needed or in the event of insufficient family resources.
For terrorist attacks committed in France, the ward of the nation status is granted regardless of nationality.
Children under 22 of deceased victims of terrorist acts can be adopted by the nation of France as a ward of the state. Ward of the nation status provides such children with the material and non-material protection specific to the French National Office for Combatants and Victims of War (ONaCVG), which supplements the protection offered by the families in the form of partial or full support for the child's upkeep and education, if needed or in the event of insufficient family resources.
Children of wounded victims can also be adopted by the nation as a ward of the state if the victim's wound prevents them from being able to fulfill their obligations to raise their children. This incapacity must be certified by medical certificates or by obtaining an armed services invalidity pension for civilians and military personnel alike.
Lastly, children and young people under 21 who are direct victims of a terrorist attack can also solicit adoption by the nation.
For more information please visit the ONaCVG website.


Office national des combattants et des victimes de guerre (ONaCVG)
Département de la solidarité
Hôtel national des Invalides
75700 PARIS 07 SP