Victim Organizations and Federations

Publié le 28/02/2024|Modifié le 18/01/2024

Victim NGOs speak on behalf of victims to public authorities and can bring a civil action for damages.


Logo de la FENVAC - Source : FENVAC

Logo de la FENVAC

Logo de la FENVAC - FENVAC
The National Federation of Victims of Terrorist Attacks and Mas-Casualty Accidents (Fenvac — Fédération National des Victimes d’Attentats et d’Accidents Collectifs) is an NGO comprised exclusively of victims of terrorist acts and mass casualty accidents and their loved ones.
Founded in 1994, Fenvac encompasses more than 80 organizations and brings together victims from over 130 incidents, including a number of terrorist attacks in France and abroad (the Mont-Blanc tunnel fire, the crash of the Air France 447 Rio-Paris flight, the sinking of the Costa Concordia, the terrorist attacks in Paris, Saint-Denis and Nice, the crash of flight MS 804 from Paris to Cairo, the terrorist attack in Barcelona, Spain, etc.).
The Fenvac is supported by:
  • A board of directors whose members are exclusively victimes of terrorist attack or mass-casualty accidents and their loves ones, many of who chair victim NGOs that are federation members;
  • A salaried, multi-disciplinary team;
  • A network of territorial delegates who are themselves victims of terrorist acts or mass-casualty accidents or their loved ones, previously trained and who work as go-betweens with local victim aid people.
All Fenvac members can be quickly mobilized in France and abroad.
Fenvac acts independently and free-of-charge in the interest and defense of victim rights.
Its actions are guided by the following goals: mutual aid, solidarity, truth, justice, prevention, and remembrance.
Authorized by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Fenvac assists victims of terrorist attacks and mass-casualty accidents in the first hours of the crisis and over the long-term.
This support, which seeks to be comprehensive, can be:
  • individual by assisting with all the legal, administrative, psychological, social, and other steps as well as the problems encountered by victims ;
  • collectively supporting victim organizations created in the aftermath of incidents with material, logistical and human assistance throughout their existence.
Fenvac intervenes through interview and meetings on its premises, at reception centers for victims and their families, at victims' homes, or at any location chosen by victims.
Building on its experience, Fenvac shares advice based on the real life experiences of its members and encourages victims to come together.
Fenvac is authorized by the Ministry of Justice to participate in criminal proceedings on behalf of victims and their organizations.


22 rue du Caire
75002 PARIS


Visuel - Source : Gouvernement


Visuel - Gouvernement
Association française des Victimes du Terrorisme
The role of the French Association of Terrorism Victims (AFVT — Association Française des Victimes du Terrorisme), established in 2009, is to assist victims of individual or mass terrorist offenses and their families, regardless of the victim's or the perpetrator's nationality and regardless of where the act took place in France or abroad. AFVT provides moral, administrative, financial, legal, medical, commemorative, and other assistance.
The AFVT is committed to providing personalized and confidential legal support in line with the needs and demands of the victims who contact the organization.
The legal service explains the entire indemnity procedure to victims, informs them of the supporting documentation that must be provided and helps them prepare and keep track of their case with the Compensation Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism and Other Offenses (FGTI), as well as their rights relating to civil action status.
In line with social assistance and medical insurance professionals, the NGO's legal team assists victims with the various social and administrative steps to be taken. Upon request, the AFVT team directs victims to the competent health professionals.
In its capacity as a legal person able to bring a criminal action before a court, the AFVT helps victims with legal efforts with criminal/civil action meetings, following court cases and debriefings.
Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the AFVT prepares and implements group psychotherapeutic programs for people who are traumatized or affected by a terrorist act. These programs, which are free-of-charge for victims, are divided into four special projects based on the audience addressed. "Mimosa” is for children aged three to 13, “Phoenix ados” is aimed at teens, "Phoenix" is for adults and, lastly, "Papillon" is aimed francophone teens and young adults worldwide. They are all subject to a psychiatric-clinical assessment and long-term monitoring.
Along with its actions to help victims, the NGO designs prevention programs for various audiences in open and closed milieus, as well as training programs for on-the-ground prevention professionals, in coordination with various civil society territories and partners. Within the framework of these areas of intervention, the NGO also enables victims of terrorism to use their voices and experience as a public service to provide key witness testimonials in schools and prisons about citizenship issues, as part of an non-victimizing and restorative process.