Victim follow-up care

Publié le 28/02/2024|Modifié le 18/01/2024


Once the crisis period has passed, the Local Committee to Aid Victims (CLAV — Comité Local d’Aide aux Victimes) takes command. Led by the department prefect and the French Prosecutor’s Office, the CLAV is responsible for adapting victim reception, information and support for the long term, in step with the Ministry of Justice and the Cross-Government Delegation to Aid Victims.
If the number or type of victims requires it, the CLAV can activate a technical follow-up committee. This committee brings together agents from each administration, community and victim aid NGOs to tackle problem situations of victims and their loved ones.
CLAVs were introduced by Decree N° 2016/1056 - Amended and the terms and conditions for their establishment and operations are specified by the Circular of 22 May 2018.


The dedicated national phone number for victims, 116006 (+ 33 1 80 52 53 76 from outside France) is available 7 days a week.
It is an anonymous, confidential and non-judgmental service for victims. Its purpose is to allow victims to speak freely and to identify their needs in order to put them in touch with victim aid organizations and/or any partner service that can help.


The department prefect and the prosecutor’s office can decide to open an Information and Support Area (EIA — Espace d’Information et d’Accompagnement), following the recommendation of the Local Committee to Aid Victims. The EIA is responsible for identifying the needs of the victims and their loved ones, keeping them informed and supporting them in their legal and social actions. It offers initial psychological support and possible redirection to specialized psychiatric or psychological professionals.
The information and support area is a partnership led and entrusted to victim aid NGOs. It relies on the network of support players, including other NGO partners Fenvac and AFVT, the local sickness insurance fund (CPAM), the family allowance fund (CAF), the National Office for Veterans and Civilian Victims of War, the departmental public finance division, the French education authority, and the French employment agency through privileged contact with correspondents or in-person consultations within the area.
The EIA’s action is extended across France by mobilizing a network of victim aid NGOs in every French administrative department. Support for victims and their loved ones across France is assured by 166 NGO's authorized by the Ministry of Justice, including 132 federated with France Victimes.
They receive victims and their loved ones, inform them of their rights, offer psychological aid, and provide initial support for social actions or redirection to specialized services, on a daily basis, free of charge and in full confidence. These NGOs, consisting of lawyers, psychologists and social assistants, offer consultations in a wide variety of places such as courts, hospitals, city halls, social centers, police stations, etc.