Paris 2024
Visuel - Source : Paris 2024 Florian Hulleu

Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games stakeholders

Publié le 21/03/2024|Modifié le 04/03/2024

Various stakeholders will be working closely together to ensure the success of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The French government

Two bodies convene on a regular basis to coordinate the actions of the various ministries involved:
  • the Olympic and Paralympic Council (Conseil Olympique et Paralympique, or COP), which is presided over by the President of the Republicthe Olympic and Paralympic Council (Conseil Olympique et Paralympique, or COP), which is presided over by the President of the Republic;
  • the Inter-Ministerial Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Comité interministériel aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, or CIJOP), which is presided over by the French Prime Minister.
Under the authority of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games is responsible for the definition and implementation of policies pertaining to the preparation and organisation of Paris 2024. It is also tasked with organising information campaigns regarding the Games, ensuring French society is mobilised for the occasion and optimising the benefits drawn from the Games’ economic, social, environmental and cultural impact, as well as their legacy.
Under the authority of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Inter-Ministerial Delegation to the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Délégation interministérielle aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, or DIJOP) is tasked with guaranteeing the coherence and homogeneity of contributions made by each ministry to the Olympic and Paralympic project and acts as a liaison between the various partners. In this regard, it guides and coordinates national administrative bodies and public establishments contributing to the organisation of the Games. It also oversees the harmonisation of initiatives undertaken and the completion of public facilities programmes.

The Olympic and Paralympic Organising Committee

The Olympic and Paralympic Organising Committee is responsible for the overall organisation of the Games. Established in 2018, its mission is to plan, organise, finance and deliver the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games, under the terms of the host city agreement signed between the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the French National Olympic and Athletic Committee (Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français, or CNOSF) and the City of Paris.
The COJOP is presided over by Tony Estanguet, triple Olympic champion and member of the IOC, and is administered by a board of directors representing all founding members of the project: the CNOSF, the City of Paris, the French government, the Île-de-France Region, the French Paralympic and Athletic Committee (Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français, or CPSF), the Grand Paris Metropolitan Area, the Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental Council and the representatives of local councils involved in the Games.

The Sporting Movement

France’s sporting movement is made up of the French National Olympic and Athletic Committee (CNOSF) and French Paralympic and Athletic Committee (CPSF). 

The CNOSF is the International Olympic Committee (ICO)’s representative in France. Its mission is to select and oversee the French delegations to events supported by or organised under the banner of the ICO, especially the Olympic Games.

Representing 109 national athletic federations and 180,000 local associations, the CNOSF’s mission also includes representing the French sporting movement vis-a-vis public authorities and civil society.

As France’s representative within the International Paralympic Committee, the CPSF represents and oversees France’s Summer and Winter Paralympics teams.
The CPSF is also the athletic body that leads, coordinates and represents all its member athletic federations, working to boost participation in sports for people with disabilities across the country.

Local and regional governments

Named as the host city for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games on 13 September 2017, the City of Paris plays a central role in the event’s organisation.
Alongside the city’s government, various local and regional governments have an active role to play in the organisation of the Games. First among these are the Île-de-France Region, the Grand Paris metropolitan area and the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council. In total, 73 host towns and cities, such as Châteauroux or the city of Marseille, will host a sporting event, tournament, or athlete/media villages.
More globally, local and regional governments from across the country will participate in the events and celebrations associated with Paris 2024 in order to ensure the Games are an event for all of France. Via the Terre de Jeux 2024 label, over 4,200 local and regional governments will be able to implement local programmes to encourage widespread participation in sport.

The Olympic Delivery Authority

Created in 2017, the Olympic Delivery Authority (Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques, or SOLIDEO) is responsible for the completion of all long-term construction projects undertaken for the Games. It finances, supervises and delivers construction and development projects necessary for the Games, which will later be converted into facilities, housing or office space.
The SOLIDEO is a public organisation operating under the joint authority of the Minister in charge of Public Accounts, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, and the Minister for Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is overseen by a board of directors chaired by the Mayor of Paris, as well as an oversight committee and an ethics committee.

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