Paris 2024
Visuel - Source : Paris 2024 Florian Hulleu

The most irreproachable organisation possible

Publié le 21/03/2024|Modifié le 04/03/2024

In recent decades, France has won several bids to host major international sporting events and will bring this experience and expertise to bear once again for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The French government and its representatives have been fully mobilised, alongside the various other stakeholders involved, to ensure the organisation of the games is as flawless as possible in terms of transport, security, environmental, social, health and budgetary matters.

Ensuring security

30,000 police officers and gendarmes

Law enforcement

10,000 military personnel

Operation Sentinel

17,000 agents

Private security

Security issues are among the top priorities in the organisation of the Games. The exceptional scale of this event implies the deployment of bolstered security measures. In order to ensure the Games are a source of nationwide celebration, unprecedented levels of human and material resources have been mobilised: a daily average of 30,000 police officers and gendarmes, 10,000 military personnel under Operation Sentinel and 17,000 private security agents are deployed. On the day of the Olympics opening ceremony, 45,000 domestic security personnel were mobilised.
Security perimeters are set up around Olympic and Paralympic locations in order to ensure their security. Restrictions associated with these perimeters primarily affect motorised vehicles. Their aim is to guarantee a high level of security while also enabling social, economic and social activity to continue in the most satisfactory conditions possible.

Ensuring enhanced and sustainable transport options

15% increase in transport services

Public transport

415 km of cycle lanes

Paris Olympics cycle network

Transport is key to the successful organisation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This involves ensuring reliable connections for athletes and spectators while also limiting, as much as possible, the Game’s impact on the mobility of everyday network users.
In order to streamline transport in Ile-de-France, transport services have been increased by 15% compared to standard summer schedules. At the same time, active modes of transport such as walking and biking were prioritised. 100% of Olympic sites in the Paris region are served by public transport and accessible by bike, notably thanks to the deployment of a 415 km cycle lane network.
Furthermore, in order to ensure reliable connections to and from Olympic and Paralympic sites, a 185 km network of road lanes was reserved for accredited vehicles.
In order to regulate visitor traffic and enable all users to plan their journeys ahead of time, a public information campaign has been deployed in the lead-up to the games throughout 2024.

Guaranteeing the accessibility of the Games

+ 1,000 accessible taxis

Accessible taxis

100% volunteer training


140 accessible stations

RER and Transilien trains

Disability access to competition sites, a map of suitably equipped transport services, trained personnel — all these aspects must be carefully planned in order to provide a suitable welcome for the many spectators with disabilities and the 4,400 Paralympic athletes that will attend the Games.

Accessibility guide for people with disabilities during the games

As France welcomes thousands of people with disabilities this summer, find in this exclusive digital format all the recommendations for preparing your trip, finding accessible accommodation or restaurants during the Games, and accessing the competition venues.

The Games For All
In order to rise to this challenge, unprecedented efforts have been made, particularly in Ile-de-France: 100% of Paris bus lines and 100% of tram lines will be accessible to persons with reduced mobility. This is also the case for all RER and Transilien train stations serving Olympic and Paralympic sites.
To support people with disabilities throughout their journeys, transport service agents and Paris 2024 volunteers have been trained to provide assistance. Under the “1,000 Accessible Taxis” plan overseen by the Ministry of Transport, taxi drivers also benefitted from this training. A dedicated shuttle service for persons with reduced mobility provides connections between major Paris transit stations and event sites, and parking spots for PRM will be available onsite.
€300 million in funding has also been allocated by the Government to support hotels, cafés, restaurants and small businesses in making their premises accessible, with priority for areas hosting the 2024 Games. These various areas of progress will leave a sustainable legacy.

The commitment to a more eco-friendly Games

95% existing or temporary


halved vs. previous Games

Carbon emissions

50% reduction in single-use plastic


The carbon footprint of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games is halved compared to the average levels at previous Games (London 2012 and Rio 2016). These Games are therefore the first to align with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
In order to maintain its commitments, France has chosen to prioritise the use of temporary or existing infrastructures over new ones. Another landmark initiative is that all Olympic and Paralympic sites connected to the electrical network are being powered by renewable electricity. Finally, 100% of the buildings and sports facilities used will be converted for new uses after the Games.

The Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion’s role in preparations for the Games

Staff from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion have been working for several years to prepare for the 2024 Paris Olympics. The ministry’s departments and services have been innovating in the fields of sustainable Olympic infrastructure, biodiversity protection and transport.

Ensuring an optimal welcome for tourists

16 million visitors


1.9 million tourists


160,000 in Ile-de-France

Hotel rooms

To ensure that the many spectators travelling to France have the best tourist experience possible, several measures were deployed to provide support and guidance throughout their stay.
This involved, first and foremost, guaranteeing optimal conditions of arrival to the area by bolstering the resources mobilised for this purpose. This also involved working to ensure the quality of accommodation and catering services, notably through the signing of an industry agreement with the hotel-café-restaurant sector and by upgrading the “Quality Tourism” (Qualité Tourisme) and “Disability Tourism” (Tourisme Handicap) labels.
The Games also provided a unique opportunity to showcase French know-how and expertise in the culinary field, not only to athletes but also to visitors.

Controlling budgets

96% private financing

Financing of the COJOP

95% temporary or existing


Budgetary restraint is one of the key hallmarks of irreproachable organisation. The proportion of public money used to finance the Games is slight. The Paris 2024 Organising Committee, whose budget is €4.4 billion, is 96% financed through private funding, notably via private sponsorship, IOC revenues (TV rights and international sponsorship) and the 7.6+ million tickets already sold.
The construction of Olympic infrastructures, which represents a budget of €3.7bn, was part-financed by the French government (€1.157bn). Contrary to previous Games, 95% of sports venues used are in existing or temporary facilities. All public investment in the games will be concentrated into permanent infrastructures that will create a lasting legacy for the Games, to the benefit of the local areas involved and their communities. This will notably be the case in Seine-Saint-Denis, which will benefit from 80% of the public investment in the Games.

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