Visuel de France 2030
Visuel de France 2030 - Source : Service d'information du Gouvenement

Unified governance

Publié le 07/05/2024|Modifié le 02/05/2024

The unified governance of France 2030 ensures continuous dialogue between the State and the ecosystems involved.

Recycling, space, robotics, digital, transport, training... In every field, qualified experts are involved in the ministerial steering committees.


The General Secretariat for Investments, headed by Bruno Bonnell under the authority of the Prime Minister, oversees the deployment and implementation of France 2030. It is responsible for ensuring that the objectives set are achieved.

“France 2030 gives France the means to regain its industrial and technological sovereignty in areas that are of strategic importance to our future. We will transform these substantial financial resources into industrial reality for our regions. This is a highly ambitious project, and the results and successes must be equally impressive for all our fellow citizens.”

Bruno Bonnell

  • Secretary General for Investment


For the implementation of this large-scale plan, the State works with various operators who distribute the France 2030 funding to all the ecosystems involved in innovation (local authorities, start-ups, research bodies, public establishments, major companies, etc.).
These operators enable investment of the €54 billion involved. They therefore have a crucial role to play in the roll-out of France 2030:
    • PIfrance (Public Investment Bank)
    • ANR (National Research Agency)
    • Ademe (Environment and Energy Management Agency)
    • CDC (Caisse des Dépôts, anque des Territoires).


Recycling, space, robotics, digital, transport, training, etc. In all areas, 90 experts from civil society are involved in the governance of France 2030.

Apply to France 2030

Contribute to the momentum of France 2030!

Are you a start-up, SME, large industrial group, higher education establishment, research organisation, laboratory or school that wants to help “give France a head start” through innovation?


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