Visuel de France 2030
Visuel de France 2030 - Source : Service d'information du Gouvernement

Understanding France 2030

Publié le 07/05/2024|Modifié le 02/05/2024

Everything you need to know about France’s major investment plan

Source : Video: Bruno Bonnell answers your questions about France 2030

“Accelerating decarbonisation and providing training for the professions of the future.” What will the France of innovation look like in 2030? Answer with Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment.

Understanding France 2030 in 5 questions

What is France 2030?

France 2030 represents €54 billion of investment to ensure that our companies, schools, universities and research bodies make a success of their transition.
The challenge is to enable them to respond to the challenges of our world in terms of ecology and competitivness, and to develop the future champions of our strategic sectors.
France 2030 is based on two cross-functional objectives: to devote 50% of its investments must be dedicated towards decarbonising the economy, and 50% towards emerging, innovative players

What is the difference between France Relance and France 2030?

In order to rapidly revive the economy and achieve results in terms of decarbonisation, industrial regeneration and the enhancement of skills and qualifications throughout the country, France Relance, an exceptional €100 billion recovery plan, was rolled out by the government in three areas: ecological transition, competitiveness and cohesion. The European Union is providing around €40 billion in financial support for this plan.
The €54 billion France 2030 investment plan is in line with the France Relance recovery plan. It is designed to:
    • ontinue the transformation of key sectors of our economy through technological innovation, by supporting investments to catch up in certain sectors;
    • Encourage the emergence of new players in these strategic sectors, while exploring new areas in which France is already at the forefront of technology.
This ambitious plan supports projects of excellence covering the entire production value chain, and continues the Government’s strategy in favour of investment, innovation and reindustrialisation.
The France Relance plan, which will accelerate the country’s ecological, industrial and social transformation, proposes concrete measures for the benefit of all: individuals, businesses and associations, local authorities and administrations.

What are the objectives of France 2030?

Producing better

The country needs to revolutionise its energy production capacity, industry, mobility and organisation to protect biodiversity and achieve our goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.

Living better

This means innovating to offer a better quality of life to the people of France and promoting our way of life abroad. It involves eating better, taking better care of ourselves and living in a world in which imagination is imbued with our vision, our values, and what our civilization stands for.

Understanding the world better

With France 2030, our ambition is to revive the great journeys of discovery to push back the limits of our knowledge, with the aim of finding new fields of experimentation that could lead to new uses.

Who is leading France 2030?

The General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI), headed by Bruno Bonnell, under the authority of the Prime Minister, is overseeing the deployment and implementation of France 2030, in cooperation with all the government ministries. It is responsible for ensuring that the objectives set are achieved.
In order to rapidly revive the economy and achieve results in terms of decarbonisation, industrial regeneration and the enhancement of skills and qualifications throughout the country, France Relance, an exceptional €100 billion recovery plan, was rolled out by the government in three areas: ecological transition, competitiveness and cohesion. The European Union is providing around €40 billion in financial support for this plan.
The €54 billion France 2030 investment plan is in line with the France Relance recovery plan. It is designed to:
    • ontinue the transformation of key sectors of our economy through technological innovation, by supporting capacity investments to catch up in certain sectors;
    • Encourage the emergence of new industries in these strategic sectors, while exploring new areas in which France is already at the forefront of technology.
This ambitious plan supports projects of excellence covering the entire production value chain, and continues the Government’s strategy in favour of investment, innovation and reindustrialisation.
The France Relance plan, which will accelerate the country’s ecological, industrial and social transformation, proposes concrete measures for the benefit of all: individuals, businesses and associations, local authorities and administrations.

What resources does France 2030 have?

€54 billion of investment is planned. €11 billion has already been committed and more than 2,000 projects supported throughout France. By the end of 2023, we are aiming to have invested €20 billion.

Élisabeth Borne

  • rime Minister
Élisabeth Borne
In an ever-changing world, France 2030 already offers exceptional ways of adapting to and anticipating the major contemporary revolutions that are now taking place.
The investments are equal to the challenges: €54 billion to build the France of tomorrow by speeding up transition, guaranteeing its independence (materials, components, energy, health, food), mastering digital technologies, supporting talent and financing the growth of start-ups and innovative businesses.

Apply to France 2030

Contribute to the momentum of France 2030!

Are you a start-up, SME, large industrial group, higher education establishment, research organisation, laboratory or school that wants to help “give France a head start” through innovation?


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