Visuel de France 2030.
Visuel de France 2030. - Source : Service d'information du Gouvernement

At the heart of the regions

Publié le 07/05/2024|Modifié le 02/05/2024

The regions are a key component of the ambitions pursued by France 2030.


France 2030: regional implementation

To support the implementation of France 2030 in all regions, the government has appointed deputy-prefects responsible for “France 2030 and the acceleration of industrial projects” in each department.
These deputy-prefects will be responsible for relaying the initiatives and, above all, helping to support industrial projects, in all areas covered by the State, in conjunction with local authorities.
In addition, the regional prefects and their departments, in particular the SEER (Regional Economic State Services) within the DREETS (the decentralised regional services of the Ministry of Economyand the Ministry of Labour ), provide technical expertise to companies and departmental prefectures. They also bring together the State’s partners, starting with the regional councils in their areas of competence (economic development and training in particular), to boost the effectiveness of the support provided to innovative companies.

“Regional France 2030”, a partnership of trust between the State and the Regional Councils

Equal funding

With €500 million from France 2030, this programme is designed to support innovation by start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses, mid-sized companies and local organizations throughout France.
The unique feature of this initiative lies more specifically in the way it is financed: for every euro invested by the State, the region invests an extra euro.
A total of €1 billion is therefore being mobilised by public authorities to unleash the energies of our regions and support the most transformative innovative projects.

Four main areas

This regionalised programme, which runs from 2021 to 2025, is divided into four main areas:

Accelerate the emergence of innovative companies that are leaders in their field and can aspire to be at least national in scope.

Create a network of lasting collaborative industrial relationships between companies of all sizes, whatever their position in the sector, from industrial research to experimental development.

Boost the competitiveness of France’s strategic sectors by enabling the use of shared production resources or infrastructure for testing, trials or research and development.

Support companies in anticipating economic and organisational change, including the development of skills for new occupations.

The regional schemes launched are operated on behalf of the State and the regions by two operators : Bpifrance and Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations - Banque des Territoires.

Regional France 2030 in 2022

In 2022, the regional dimension of the plan was strengthened, in particular through the roll-out of the regionalised co-financing component, the launch of the “Overseas Terrorities Innovation Plan” call for projects and the consolidation of a regional structure that reflects to the greatest extent possible the realities on the ground.
2022 in a nutshell:
    • 11 metropolitan regions visited (Brittany and Corsica planned for 2023),
    • 23 departments visited,
    • 10 regional monitoring committees set up,
    • +40 entities visited (companies, laboratories, universities, etc.),
    • 11 projects supported in overseas France.

Implementation in the regions

Nouvelle Aquitaine

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes


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